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Mundakopanishad – based on Shankarabhashya: The philosophy of unitive knowledge, called “Bramhaikya Dnyan” is established in Vedanta. It consists of ten primary Upanishads explained by Aacharya – Poojyapad Shankaracharya. Mundakopanishad is the first one in this series of ten Upanishads and the only one available in Marathi. This treatise, based on Shankarbhaashya and the experience of Param Pujya Mataji Swami Sthitapradnyanand Saraswati, proves the relevance of Vedaanta in modern lives. There are various books on this topic, but many of them are either superficial transliteration, or available only in Sanskrit. This treatise, emanated directly from the Master’s heart, will prove to be a very useful guide for common people desirous of learning Shaankarbhaashya in the most scientific way.

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Mundakopanishad – based on Shankarabhashya: The philosophy of unitive knowledge, called “Bramhaikya Dnyan” is established in Vedanta. It consists of ten primary Upanishads explained by Aacharya – Poojyapad Shankaracharya. Mundakopanishad is the first one in this series of ten Upanishads and the only one available in Marathi. This treatise, based on Shankarbhaashya and the experience of Param Pujya Mataji Swami Sthitapradnyanand Saraswati, proves the relevance of Vedaanta in modern lives. There are various books on this topic, but many of them are either superficial transliteration, or available only in Sanskrit. This treatise, emanated directly from the Master’s heart, will prove to be a very useful guide for common people desirous of learning Shaankarbhaashya in the most scientific way.

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