Yogavashishtha – Sthiti Prakaran


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Yogavasishtha is an ancient spiritual treatise that unfolds nonduality of the self-knowledge through a divine dialog between Bhagwan Shree Ram and his Shree Guru Maharshi Vasishtha. Shree Vasishtha Muni confidently tells the seekers that one who would read with utmost faith and devotion, and lead the life accordingly will attain realization of the atman. In this fourth part, Sthiti Prakarana, Parampujya Mataji in her simple and lucid language unfolds the nature of the world and identity between the Jeeva and the Lord through various stories, discussions and logic. It is a great gift to all the seekers.


Yogavasishtha is an ancient spiritual treatise that unfolds nonduality of the self-knowledge through a divine dialog between Bhagwan Shree Ram and his Shree Guru Maharshi Vasishtha. Shree Vasishtha Muni confidently tells the seekers that one who would read with utmost faith and devotion, and lead the life accordingly will attain realization of the atman. In this fourth part, Sthiti Prakarana, Parampujya Mataji in her simple and lucid language unfolds the nature of the world and identity between the Jeeva and the Lord through various stories, discussions and logic. It is a great gift to all the seekers.

Weight 0.860 kg
Dimensions 18.5 × 24.3 × 2.9 cm


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Yogavashishtha – Sthiti Prakaran